

In various religious texts, there can befound some interesting personal development gems. One from the Bibleis “The Parable of the Talents.”


The Parable of the Talents is one of thestories Jesus told to teach a moral lesson. Although the word“talents” in the story refers literally to money, you can obviously extend themeaning to other areas. It’s interesting to read it using the commondefinition of “talents.”


Here’s the story:


The Parable of the Talents


Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servantsand entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents ofmoney, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to hisability. Then he went on his journey. The man who hadreceived the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gainedfive more. So also, the one with the two talents gained twomore. But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug ahole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

故事又是以一位要出门的主人开始。出门前,他叫来仆人,将财产托付与他们。根据仆人能力的大小,他分给其中一位5个塔兰特币,另一位2个塔兰特币,还有一位1个塔兰特币。之后就启程上路了。得到5个塔兰特币的仆人立即将钱投入使用, 并又获得了5个塔兰特币。得到2个塔兰特币的依葫芦画瓢,也获得了2个塔兰特币。然而获得1个硬币的仆人跑去在地上挖了一个洞,把钱藏了进去。

After a long time, the master of those servants returned and settledaccounts with them. The man who had received the five talentsbrought the other five. “Master,” he said, “you entrusted me withfive talents. See, I have gained five more.”


His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! Youhave been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of manythings. Come and share your master’s happiness!”


The man with the two talents also came. “Master,” he said, “youentrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.”


His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! Youhave been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of manythings. Come and share your master’s happiness!”


Then the man who had received the one talent came. “Master,” hesaid, “I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown andgathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid andwent out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is whatbelongs to you.”


His master replied, “You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew thatI harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scatteredseed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with thebankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.


“Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the tentalents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will havean abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be takenfrom him. And throw that worthless servant outside, into thedarkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”


- Matthew 25:14-30 (NIV)

-《马太福音 25:14-30》

This simple story makes some interesting points that are applicable to thepursuit of personal development.


First, we’re all given a different starting position. Some ofus are born into abundance (five talents). Others are born intoscarcity (one talent). But what matters isn’t what we’re given —it’s what we do with it that matters. So Jesus acknowledges theunfairness of life, but he also suggests that our starting conditions areirrelevant. One person earns five talents, another earns only two,but both are congratulated equally because both achieved a 100%gain. (I’d sure like to know where those servants invested theirmoney!)

首先,我们都有着不同的出身。有人含着金钥匙出生(5个 塔兰特币)。有些生于贫困之家(1个塔兰特币)。但是最重要的并不是父母给予的出身——而是我们如何来使用这个出身。所以耶稣承认生命是不平等的,但是暗 示人生起点并不相干。有人挣了5个塔兰特币,有个挣了2个,但是两者都获得同样的赞许,因为两者都是获得百分百的回报。(我真的很想知道这两个仆人是如何投资的!)

This is also a good lesson in how to deal with other humanbeings. Deal with other people based on their starting positions,and evaluate yourself by your own starting position. If you happento be one of those who receives five talents, don’t pat yourself on the backthat you’re already above average. If you have abundant talents, youshould expect even more from yourself. Similarly, there may be timesin your life where you only have one talent and do the best you can with it,and even though your gains appear small from an external standard, by Jesus’standard you’ve still made a notable accomplishment. I wrote aboutthis previously in Raise Your Standards.

在 如何与他人相处方面,这个故事也有教育意义。基于他人的起点与人相处,但是基于自己的起点评价自己。如果你很幸运生于富贵之家,不要洋洋得意以为自己高人一等。如果你的父母给你很多财富,你应该期待自己能挣到更多。同样地,在你的生命中,有时你也许只有1个塔兰特币,一定要尽己所能来使用好它。如是,尽管从外部标准来看,你的所能似乎很小,但是从耶稣的角度来说,你已经获得了很大的成就。这个,我在之前的“提高你的标准”中已经写过。

Another interesting aspect of the parable is that ourtalents are entrusted to us, like a master putting money into the care of hisservants. We are stewards of our wealth, and I define wealth veryloosely here, well beyond material possessions. For example, if Ican write and speak fairly well, those are talents entrusted tome. I can bury them in the ground out of fear, or I can push out ofmy shell and strive to create increase for all.

这个寓言暗含另一个 有趣的观点,即我们的财富都是托付给我们的,就像那个主人将钱托付给他的奴仆一样。所以我们都是自己财富的管理员。此处,我给财富的定义相当宽泛,超越了狭义的物质财富。比如,如果我能说会写,这就是托付给我的财富。出于恐惧,我可以将我的才能埋于地下,或者我也可以冲破牢笼努力增加这份才能。

One thing I wonder about the parable is this: What would havehappened if one of the servants who invested the money realized a loss insteadof a gain? There’s a clue to how Jesus would have answered thisbecause of how the master addressed the third servant: ”You wicked,lazy servant!” Later the master refers to that servant as“worthless” and has him physically thrown out. That’s pretty harshlanguage considering the servant still gave the master all his moneyback. Is Jesus saying that inaction is wicked? Yes, Ibelieve so. In other words, if you do nothing with your talents… ifyou hide them in the ground and hoard them, you are choosing to be wicked, lazy,and worthless. You are supposed to invest what you’ve beengiven. Don’t be lazy.

这个寓言我有 一处疑问:如果投资的两位仆人中有人投资失败怎么办?有一句线索可以暗示耶稣会如何回答,因为主人对他的第三个仆人说的话中有:“你这个邪恶的懒仆人。” 之后主人认为此仆人是“无用的”,并让人把他扔出去。考虑到此仆人还是把钱还了回去,他主人想来真是用词刺耳。难道耶稣想说没有行动就是邪恶?我想是的。换句话说,如果你不使用自己的才能。。。如果你把自己的才能埋藏于地下,就是选择了邪恶,懒惰,无用。你应该投资自己的才能。不要懒惰。

Another clue is how the first two servants are praised. Themaster praises them for being “faithful.” Veryinteresting. It would have been different if the master praised themfor being shrewd or effective or profitable. But the praise is givenfor their faith, not for their results.


Given the language (and hopefully my points still work with non-Englishversions of this scripture), I conclude that if one of the servants hadinvested money and lost some or all of it, they would still have been praisedfor their faithfulness. However, given that Jesus doesn’t directlyaddress this condition in the parable, he may also be suggesting that faithitself is the path to success — a common theme in his otherteachings. So perhaps if you use your talents faithfully, you aren’treally going to lose.

考虑到主人的话语(希望我的观点在此段经文的非英语版本中依然有效果),我认为如果其中一位仆人投资了金钱,但是失败了,他仍将由于忠诚而得到表扬。但是,考虑到耶稣并没有直接在此寓言中关注这一问题,他也许暗示,忠诚本身就是 通向成功的路径——他的教导中永恒的主题。所以也许如果忠诚地使用自己的才能,就不会失败。Anothernotable quality of the parable is the lack of competition. Theservants aren’t competing with each other for their master’sfavor. It’s not a zero-sum game. The first two servantsboth contribute something of value to their master’s estate.


What’s the ultimate reward for the faithful servants? AlthoughJesus doesn’t explicitly say it, it seems obvious they don’t get to keep themoney. The two successful servants aren’t even working for their ownincrease. It’s not their money. They’re working for theincrease of their master, and they share in the increase to hisestate. Their true reward is to share in their master’shappiness. So happiness is the reward, and happiness comes fromserving others.

忠诚仆人的最终报酬是什么呢?耶稣 也并没有明讲。显然,他们没有保留钱币。这两个成功的仆人甚至都不是为增长自己的财富工作,因为财富不是他们的。他们为主人的财富增长而工作,然后分享他增长财富中的一部分。他们的真正报酬是分享主人的快乐。所以快乐是报酬,而快乐来源于为他人服务。

I know from experience that if I undertake some action to create increaseonly for myself, there’s very little energy to it, and it doesn’t usuallyincrease my happiness. But if I focus on creating increase forothers (such as by helping people grow), then I feel great joy in doing that,and it ultimately creates increase for me too.


But there’s more to it than that. Happiness is a quality that Iinject into my work, not something I derive from it. When I workonly for myself, I’m looking for happiness outside myself. Trying toachieve happiness that way doesn’t work. But when I work for others’benefit and turn off WIIFM for a while (What’s In It For Me?), I tap into thedeep wells of happiness that are already inside me. Instead oftrying to achieve happiness, I happily achieve. Happiness flowsoutward from me and into the work I do, so I experience it as an outflow, notan inflow.

但是其中的含义其实更多。快乐是我注入工作的动力,而不是我要从工作中获得快乐。如果只为自己努力,就是寻找自身之外的快乐,快乐并不出现。但是如果为别人工作,暂时忘却自己的利益,将能深入内心挖掘快乐之井,那么快乐将像井水一样源源不断从内心流出。这样,就无需努力获得 快乐,而是快乐地获得。快乐从我体内奔腾而出,流入我的工作,所以快乐对我是流出而非流入。

Happiness is something you exhale, not something youinhale. Are you one of those people who must say, “Yes, Senator, Ihad a supply of happiness in my gut, but I did not exhale?”


As Jesus implies in The Parable of the Talents, creating abundancerequires you to move beyond fear. If you’re too fearful orsuspicious or distrustful, you’re going to bury your talents. Andthis leads to “weeping and gnashing of teeth,” i.e. sorrow and depression.


You might think that fear and suspicion will keep you out of trouble, butreally they’ll just cause you suffering and pain. You don’t needfear to avoid being a gullible idiot; for that you just need commonsense. To live a life of abundance, you must ultimately move beyondfear and work to create abundance for others. Otherwise you’ll ultimatelybe cast out as worthless. Jesus doesn’t pull any punches here, yousebums.


Serve to create increase for others, and happiness is yourreward. Bury your talents, and you get “weeping and gnashing ofteeth.” The choice is yours.


And that’s my parablog for the day.


